October 23, 2008

carving fun

Just a quick stop to say hi! And show you some of the stamps I have been working on for the last weeks.

Love this one

Designed by me

Family stamps


Apryl said...

I love the purl power one its adorable... and the family of stamps.. I so need some for my little boy...

Jenn said...

These are so cute!! I need to place an order soon


M Plamondon said...

your stamps are super cute!! Glad I found your blog!

Muddlepud said...

They're all so cute. Purl Power is a great idea, and I think the quilty one is adorable.

Maria Helena said...

they are all adorable! congrats!

iSew said...

Wow! I love the one with the quilt. I really want to try carving a stamp for myself. You're inspiring me!

karyn said...

I love you stuff!

Anya said...

I love your people stamps - they're so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hi there

I want to contact you with a query for a job.. I would like you to make a stamp for a client of mine and would like to discuss this but I cannot find your email address anywhere...

Michelle Palmer said...

They are amazing!
Thanks for sharing~

Anonymous said...

you do such adorable work. can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

With the Australian dollar so bad at the moment, I have had to reluctantly refrain from ordering from your etsy store and attempt to make my own stamp.

Check out my attempt over at my blog.

I have linked to your wonderful website and etsy store. Both are so inspirational.

I just love the purl stamp.

I think that it is back to making dolls for me!


Erika said...

These are incredible! I am glad that I have found your site.

If you get a chance, stop by to enter a giveaway at http://tote-n-tots.blogspot.com

FoundVintageStyle said...

these are just great. I am getting closer to knowing what I want and placing an order!

Anonymous said...

they're all so lovely!
as i am a fervorous knitter, the purl power one is my fave by far.

Jennifer Katherine said...

*giggle* SO happy to have stumbled over your blog! Such charming work! :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh I love that family! They are all gorgeous. What fantastic stuff you do. Found you through Feeling Stitchy.


Am so happy with the quality of my stamp, thank you very much. Will be in touch again soon to order more customised stamps. Best wishes, PP xxx

Catherine Hayward said...

Wonderful - such amazing detail! The family portraits are really cute.

Cecilia - Titi said...

How wonderful!! Just beautiful! Great job.
Your home and work is beautiful.
Kisses from Chile,

Matroskin said...

Your stamps are just so cheerful! I have a flu, but I feel better just looking at your images!

Anonymous said...

oh, the purl power one is so totally cute! loved all of the stamps. the ones i tried to make turned out so terrible!

Umbigo said...

they are all fantastic! congratulations, love your blog. your stamps are so so cute!! i must have one!


Natalia said...

Eres demasiado seca, te pasaste. Admiro mucho tu trabajo con las stampas.

You are so cool
I love your stamp work

Geisslein said...

I´ve found your blog by a fluke and felt in love with your stamps immediately!!! I´m surching a stamp with a little goat (geisslein) and a little bird on it´s head. Could you create this and what would be the price for it?
Sunny greetings from cold germany

Unknown said...

Love your stamps and your blog! I know this is way out in left field, but what template did you use for the blog? It looks really nice.

KmoRakefet said...

Hi, Wonderful stamps.
To you buy as is the wood we do you make it alone ?

Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Wonderful stamps.
To you buy the wood as is or make it alone ?

Thanks :-)

Chelsea Van Tol said...

oh, your stamps are so lovely! :)

Anonymous said...

You are one talented chiquita... How LOVELY are these? You could be a surgeon if this stamping thing doesn't pan out (good thing it looks like it will, though :) Terrific blog.